Driver-training techniques developed in the world’s most dangerous environments.

Life for a Security Driver can change in a heartbeat. A routine patrol suddenly becomes an ambush. A routine VIP escort turns into a critical life-or-dead situation.

Survival requires making the right decisions, and making the right decisions requires understanding the tools and circumstances available to you. Failing to understand this will inevitably result in defeat.

Develop the right mindset that enables you to command your only tool to the edge of its capabilities regardless of the circumstances. Scenarios mean absolutely nothing without the proper skill set.

Criminals are not under self-isolation #BePrepared

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Sometimes time is not a luxury we can afford, and for this, we have created a set of two online courses designed to give you an invaluable tool that you can acquire in your own time and at your own pace.

Virtual training that is designed to demystify the art of operating a motor vehicle and preventing most types of crimes; two of the most valuable tools you and your family can have.


Cutting-Edge Tech

Onboard computers guarantee that everything you experience behind the wheel resembles real-life situations.

Mindset Oriented

If you’re not making any mistakes, you’re not learning anything new. This evasive driver training will push you beyond your threshold to become the best driver you can be.

Hands-On Experience

The only way you can train your brain to react adequately to a high-stress situation is to have experienced it beforehand; you will undergo losing control until it no longer stresses you.

Student Testimonial

Ashley Payne’s Testimonial

Ashley is a seasoned EP Professional, with ample training in all aspects of the trade, and when asked what she... read more

Chris Story’s Testimonial

Chris is not only a security consultant and leader with over 20 years of experience in risk intelligence and protective... read more

Jenessa-Orsburn’s Testimonial

Jenessa was part of Byron Rodgers team, she was not directly involved in EP, but she was directly involved in... read more

Kevin Williamson’s Testimonial

Michael is a professional Executive Protection Practitioner; this is his experience from training with AS3 Driver Training. read more

Mike Perez’s Testimonial

Michael is a conscientious safety and security professional with 15 years of experience in high-touch, high demand corporate environments. Currently... read more

Greg Roberts’ Testimonial

Greg is a retired Navy Officer from San Diego CA, this is his experience from the perspective of a Navy... read more

Shawn Thibeault’s Testimonial

Shawn is a retired Law Enforcment Officer from Las Vegas, NV, as an experienced Police Officer and professional trainer himself... read more

Rafael Vijlbrief’s Testimonial

Rafael is an Executive Protection Professional from Holland, in the US with his principal and wanted to take the time... read more

Michael Rowan’s Testimonial

Michael is an executive protection agent and Security Driver in California, this is what Michael has to say about AS3... read more

Chris Gurzi’s Testimonial

Chris is an Executive Protection agent and Security Driver working in the LA area. This was Chris' first time training... read more

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Creating the Required Mindset.

We combined exceptional techniques from the racing industry, law enforcement, and the military to take already experienced security drivers to the next level.

Our experts use cutting-edge technologies and engineering to create a comprehensive curriculum that will forever change how you operate a motor vehicle. Based on deliberate practice, our evasive & defensive driving courses enable drivers to improve their reaction instincts, decision-making, and survivability.

Our security drivers see different, feel different and react differently because, to them, nothing comes as a surprise while driving.

Real-World Conditions Create Real-World Skills.

How can you expect to be trained to “control” a vehicle if you’ve never felt what out-of-control feels like? Only a deep “muscle-memory” of that out-of-control feeling can create the necessary mindset to succeed when crisis strikes.

AS3’s evasive driving & vehicle dynamics training ensures real-life conditions through state-of-the-art technology and engineering; onboard computers measure everything going on with the car, guaranteeing two things:


  1. That the forces being applied to the vehicle accurately resemble real-life situations.
  2. That the driver can control the vehicle at its limits, rated against a set performance standard. 


Could this be done without computers? 

Absolutely; engineers do it all the time, but computers are consistent, unbiased, and considerably more accurate. Machines can sense things invisible to the human eye. 


We’ve adapted the knowledge and technology from the racing industry to military-training standards and, in the process, created the best security driver training programs anywhere!

We Live by What We Do

Jose Luis MarquezPresident - Micro Herros

Paul KennedyCSO - Via AFIMAC Global

Location, location, location

With venues in both the east and was coasts, we have worked out the traveling issues, you don’t come to us, we come to you.